Terms and conditions of use

This instrument, as well as other terms, contracts, policies, rules, requirements, limitations, signals, notes, notifications and other conditions available at Take NFT Games, including terms of use for specific products and the Security and Privacy Policy of Take NFT Games, these documents subject to change and as in force at the time of use of the websites, applications, interfaces, portals and internet applications of Take NFT Games (“Services”) (hereinafter, all, together, referred to as “General Terms” ), regulate the provision and use and access by the user (hereinafter simply referred to as “You”) to the Contents (as defined below), as well as limiting the responsibility of Take NFT Games and/or its affiliates for making them available.

Rights to the content made available

All materials contained in the Take NFT Games Services and in the applications made available by Take NFT Games, including, but not limited to, texts, videos, formats, illustrations, animations, graphics, photographs, trademarks, patents, fonts, graphics, color schemes , layout, trade-dress, visual identity, browsing experience, designs, applications, application interfaces, software, software fragments (hereinafter referred to collectively or in relation to any portion thereof as “Content”) are protected by Brazilian law, in by the Copyright Law (Federal Law 9.610/98) and the Industrial Property Law (Federal Law 9.279/96).

In relation to the authorized use of the Content, this consists solely of a license to You, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable and limited, strictly for viewing the Content in the means made available and authorized by Take NFT Games, always in a personal and private scope, without ends. commercials. No other additional rights are granted to You unless expressly and in writing by Take NFT Games or the legitimate holder of rights to the Content.

We remind you that any access and/or use other than those expressly authorized are prohibited. For example, the following practices are prohibited, whether through action, device, mechanism, software or in any way and for any purpose:

(i) remove, alter, interfere with, degrade, disable, prevent or in any way modify the watermark, copyright, symbol, mark or any other sign indicating ownership or for any other purpose inserted in the Content, or any rights and/or protection mechanisms associated with the Content, as well as filters and access control, including those based on territory (geoblocking) or age group;

(ii) copy in whole or in part, download, reverse engineer, “decompile”, “recompile”, “compile”, encrypt, “decrypt”, disassemble, capture, reproduce, archive, distribute, upload, publish, modify, translate, display, transmit, distribute, make available, use data mining, data collection or extraction methods, or embed the Content;

(iii) use meta-tags to extract Content, reorganize, store, capture, display, retransmit, make available or incorporate Content, including frames, recaps and screenshots in any medium;

(iv) commercialize, distribute freely or for consideration, advertise or develop a business, directly or indirectly, from the Content;

(v) use the Content in any way to create derivative works or based on it, such as applications, websites, montages, mash-ups, videos and marketing or merchandising materials, among others;

(vi) modify, remove, interfere with, attempt to change any part of the Content, in particular the video players, or any technology behind them. This restriction also applies to any alteration, interference or action that in any way makes it possible, even if privately, to view the Content without displaying and/or using the applications and video players made available by Take NFT Games and all elements related to the Services (such as the interface, trademarks and any advertisements) or without all the functionalities, advertisements and interfaces associated with the Contents being accessible by Take NFT Games;

(vii) associate or generate any impression, actually or potentially, of association of names, products, people, companies, third parties or any element with the Contents and/or with Take NFT Games, its partners, talents, affiliates or leaders; or

(viii) use any interface (API) from Take NFT Games itself or from third parties for any purpose, including extracting, distributing, executing and/or making Content available.

Exceptionally, Take NFT Games authorizes the automated indexing of texts present in the Content, as long as they are available in unrestricted access areas of Take NFT Games and do not contain any exception to indexing, by crawlers of search tools for public and free use exclusively for presentation of hyperlinks in general search results that point to the Contents, provided that this does not violate items “i” to “viii” above, in particular item “iii”.


External hyperlinks do not constitute an endorsement by Take NFT Games of the linked sites/environments or the information, products or services contained therein.

Take NFT Games does not grant any guarantee related to the availability, continuity of operation or infallibility of the Services and/or Contents, nor that they will be useful for carrying out any particular activity. Also, considering the characteristics of the internet medium, Take NFT Games does not guarantee the security and privacy of the Content outside the domain of Take NFT Games, unless in the terms of the Privacy Policy, nor that it will be uninterrupted, free of viruses or other problems, errors and attacks and, in particular, does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties cannot access and eventually intercept, eliminate, alter, modify or manipulate in any way the data present and/or transmitted to its servers.

Security and normal flow of communications between servers

Any practice that could harm Take NFT Games’ image or violate its rights over the Content, damage its assets, damage or in any way interfere with the normal flow of communications with its servers, security, inviolability and privacy of data there is expressly forbidden. stored and transmitted, including, but not limited to, those that import, may import in or favor:

(i) Intercepting or monitoring data traffic to or from Take NFT Games servers;

(ii) Fraud, mask or change the origin of communications (including, but not limited to, changing email headers, file origin, data request origin, etc.);

(iii) Degrade, make any use that is not expressly authorized or overload Take NFT Games’ servers for any purpose;

(iv) Access any data made available on Take NFT Games’ servers illegitimately (falsifying credentials, using third-party credentials, etc.); or

(v) Break, bypass, damage, tamper with or degrade any part or security mechanism of Take NFT Games and its servers.


By watching and/or using the Content in any way, You express your full and unreserved acceptance of the General Terms as then in effect, for all legal purposes. Therefore, the careful reading by You of the General Terms on each of the occasions in which You intend to watch and/or use the Content is recommended. If You do not agree with any of the terms and rules set forth herein, You must not watch and/or use the Content.

Suspension, blocking and deletion

In order to optimize the availability of the Content, Take NFT Games may, including for security reasons, restrict, limit and suspend or block, in whole or in part, the availability and access to the Content.

Take NFT Games may discontinue the availability or distribution of any Content, at any time and without prior notice.

Disclaimer :

You understand that Take NFT Games cannot and does not guarantee that files available for download from the Internet are free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that may manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your security requirements and for maintaining means external to this site to reconstruct any lost data. Take NFT Games assumes no responsibility or risk for internet use.

The content is not necessarily complete and up-to-date and should not be used to replace any reports, statements or notices given by the Company. Investors, employees and others should use the content in the same way as any other educational environment and should not rely solely on the content to the detriment of their own professional judgment. The information obtained by using this website is not complete and does not cover all issues, topics or facts that may be relevant to your purposes.

Use of this website is at your own risk.

The content is provided as is and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Take NFT Games does not guarantee that the functions or content present on this site will be continuous, error-free, that failures will be corrected or that this site and the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. Our Company does not guarantee or make any representations regarding the use or result of the use of the content in terms of accuracy, reliability or otherwise. The content may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors and the Company may make changes or improvements at any time. You, and not our Company, assume the cost of any necessary service, repair or correction in the event of any loss or damage consequential to the use of this website or its contents.
All information on this website whether of a historical or forward-looking nature is valid only as of the date it was published on the website and the Company undertakes no obligation to update such information after it is published or to remove such information from this website if it is not (more ) accurate or complete.

Limitations of Liability

Take NFT Games and its entire team will not be liable for any eventual, direct, indirect, punitive, real, consequential, special, exemplary or any other damages, including loss of revenue and income, pain and suffering, emotional stress or similar.


You will indemnify and hold Take NFT Games, its branches, affiliates, licensors, service providers, content providers, employees, agents, officers and directors (hereinafter referred to as Released Parties) harmless from any breach of these Terms of Use by you, including the use of the Content other than as expressed herein. You agree that the Released Parties are not liable for or connected with any breach or unauthorized use, and you agree to remedy any and all losses, damages, judgments, awards, costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees of the Released Parties in connection with the breach. You will also indemnify and hold the Released Parties harmless from any third party claims arising out of your use of the information contained on this website.


Trademarks and logos present on this site are the property of Take NFT Games or the party that made them available to the Company. The Company and the parties that provided the brand and logo hold all rights over them.

Information Provided by the User

You may not post, submit, display or link to this site any material that:

– you do not have the right to post, including material owned by a third party;
– advocate illegal activity or discuss intent to do something illegal;
– is vulgar, obscene, pornographic or indecent;
– does not directly concern this website;
– may threaten or insult others, defame, slander, invade privacy, stalk, be obscene, pornographic, racist, harass or offend;
– seeks to exploit or harm children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personal information or otherwise;
– infringes any intellectual property or other right of a person or entity, including violations of copyright, trademark, or rights of publicity;
– violate any law or could be considered to violate the law;
– impersonate or misrepresent your connection to any entity or person; or even manipulate titles or identifiers to disguise the origin of the content;
– promotes any commercial endeavor (eg offering products or services on sale) or otherwise engaging in a commercial activity (eg running sweepstakes or contests, displaying sponsor banners and/or soliciting goods and services) unless specifically authorized on this site ;
– solicit funds, disclosures or sponsors;
– includes programs with viruses, worms and/or Trojan Horses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications;
– interrupt the normal flow of conversation, cause the screen to “scroll” faster than other users can follow, or otherwise act in a way that affects other people’s ability to engage in real-time activity on this site;
– include files in MP3 format;
– disobey any policy or rule established from time to time for the use of this website or any network connected to it; or
– contain hyperlinks to sites containing content that fit the above descriptions.
Even without the obligation to do so, our Company reserves the right to monitor the use of this website to determine compliance with this Term of Use as well as to remove or veto any information for any reason. In any case, you are fully responsible for the content of your submissions. You acknowledge and agree that neither the Company nor any third party providing content to the Company shall assume any responsibility for any action or inaction of the Company or such third party with respect to any Submission.

It is prohibited to use any service or tool connected to this website to compromise security or tamper with system resources and/or accounts. The use or distribution of tools designed to compromise security (eg password crackers, cracking or network probing tools) is strictly prohibited. If you are involved in any breach of system security, the Company reserves the right to provide your information to system administrators at other sites to help them resolve security incidents. Take NFT Games reserves the right to investigate potential violations of this Terms of Use.

Take NFT Games reserves the right to fully cooperate with the competent authorities or legal requests for the Company to reveal the identity of anyone who publishes email, message or makes available any material that may violate this Term of Use.

By accepting this agreement, you release Take NFT Games from any consequences resulting from any action taken by the company during or as a result of its investigations and/or actions taken as a result of investigations by both the Company and the competent law enforcement authorities.

General conditions

In the event of conflicts between rules and instruments listed in the definition of the General Terms contained in the caput of this instrument, rules and conditions regarding specific products and/or services as made available in writing by Take NFT Games shall prevail.

The non-exercise by Take NFT Games of any rights or faculties conferred upon it by these General Terms or by Brazilian legislation, as well as any tolerance against breaches of these General Terms or its rights, will not result in the waiver of its rights, novation or amendment of items and clauses of this instrument, and Take NFT Games may exercise its rights at any time.

These General Terms, as well as the relationship resulting from the actions included herein, as well as any dispute that arises as a result of this, will be governed exclusively by Brazilian law.

The Central Forum of the Judicial District of the Capital of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul is elected to resolve any issues arising from the use of the Contents and/or violation of these General Terms, waiving the parties to any other, however privileged it may be or come to be. If you consider that there are facts, circumstances or suspicion of any inappropriate use of the Contents or any security issue related to Take NFT Games and, in particular, that represent a violation of copyright or intellectual property or other rights, we ask you to send a communication to Take NFT Games via email  [email protected] containing, if possible, your personal data (name, address and telephone number), as well as a specification of the event verified by You (in particular, when dealing with alleged copyright infringement, precise and complete indication of the protected contents and allegedly infringed with the respective URLs).